Laryngeal paralysis in dogs. Interview with a leading surgeon

Laryngeal edema in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment

Laryngeal edema (oedema, laryngitis)
Laryngeal edema is the rapid accumulation of fluid in the submucosal layer in the area of ​​the epiglottis, epiglottic folds and vocal cords, which leads to a severe reduction in the glottis, impaired function of the larynx and oxygen starvation.

Etiology. By origin, laryngeal edema can be congestive, inflammatory, toxic, allergic and symptomatic. Congestive edema manifests itself in decompensated heart defects, pericarditis, prolonged compression of the jugular veins with a tourniquet, enlarged thyroid gland, mediastinal tumors; toxic - for kidney and lung diseases, iodine and bromine poisoning, helminthic infestation, bee stings, feeding spoiled feed, especially sour soybean cake; inflammatory - with injuries to the larynx, inhalation of hot air, air mixed with dust and smoke, poisonous gases; allergic - with urticaria, after administration of serum (serum sickness), antibiotics and incompatible substances; symptomatic - with plague, hemorrhagic septicemia, anthrax, emphysematous carbuncle.

Pathogenesis. Under the influence of the above reasons, transudate sweats out from the larynx and accumulates in the submucosal layer. The largest amount of transudate accumulates in the area of ​​the epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds and vocal cords, which leads to a rapid and significant decrease in the lumen of the glottis, complicates the passage of air into the lungs, and contributes to the development of oxygen starvation. The latter is accompanied by the accumulation of intermediate decomposition and synthesis products. Death often occurs with edema of toxic and allergic origin.

Symptoms. Inflammatory edema develops very quickly, which can lead to a sharp narrowing of the glottis, larynx and suffocation. In sick animals, the general condition sharply worsens, inspiratory shortness of breath, wheezing, and increased sensitivity in the larynx suddenly appear. Patients look frightened and stand with their limbs spread apart. Breathe through wide open nostrils or through the mouth. Visible mucous membranes are cyanotic, cardiac weakness rapidly increases, the skin and hair are covered with sweat, and body temperature rises. If the animal is not helped, it will die from suffocation. With congestive edema, the process develops more slowly, over several hours or days, and the body temperature does not rise. With allergies and toxicosis, oxygen deficiency and weakness of the patient are more pronounced; pain in the larynx is usually absent. Symptomatic and toxic edema is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of the underlying disease.

Flow. Laryngeal edema is often fatal within 1-2 hours after the first symptoms appear.

The prognosis depends on the cause and any deviations from the norm. In most cases, the prognosis is guarded to unfavorable.

Diagnosis. Laryngeal edema is diagnosed by characteristic clinical signs, and it is necessary to find out the causes of the edema. Congestive edema occurs at normal temperatures, and inflammatory edema occurs at high temperatures. If the temperature is elevated, special tests are carried out for acute infectious diseases (anthrax, pasteurella, etc.).

Treatment. In case of congestive edema, the cause of the disease is eliminated and cardiac activity is restored. For inflammatory edema, therapeutic doses of appropriate immune serums or antibiotics are prescribed, a 10% solution of calcium chloride, or a 20% solution of calcium gluconate, or a 40% solution of glucose is administered intravenously. In cases of severe suffocation, a tracheotomy is urgently performed. For allergic edema, a solution of adrenaline (1:1000) - 1-5 ml is administered intravenously; 0.25% solution of novocaine - 1 ml per 1 kg of animal weight - or subcutaneous diphenhydramine in a dose of 0.1-0.5 g for large animals.

Prevention. Avoid overheating, hypothermia and overwork of animals, air pollution with dust, toxic substances, inhalation of hot and cold air, do not compress the jugular veins for a long time, provide timely medical assistance for infectious and other diseases, and avoid overdose of iodine and bromine preparations.

Throat pathologies in dogs

Pharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx - usually develops as a result of an infectious process; as a rule, is not accompanied by a serious clinical picture, but does affect the dog’s ability to eat. When the infection spreads to the larynx and trachea, the dog develops a cough and the voice changes.

The presence of foreign bodies in the pharynx is also accompanied by inflammation of the pharynx and difficulty breathing.

The inner surface of the larynx is lined with mucous membrane, but unlike the lining of the trachea, the laryngeal mucosa does not contain cilia (structures that remove mucus and foreign particles).

Any condition of the body in which increased mucus production develops causes the dog to “clear its throat” in an attempt to remove what is bothering it; this can lead to the development of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx - laryngitis. Laryngitis can also occur due to excessive barking and infection. The disease is accompanied by a change or temporary loss of voice.

Diagnosis and Treatment Diagnosis is made based on clinical signs and a physical examination of the dog. Treatment is carried out by eliminating the cause of barking and re-educating the dog.

This is a serious pathology that develops mainly in old dogs, especially the Labrador Retriever breed. Dogs of the Bouvier de Flandaise, Bull Terrier, Dalmatian, and Siberian Husky breeds are believed to have a genetic predisposition to this disease. The main clinical signs of laryngeal paralysis are increasing difficulty breathing, accompanied by rough wheezing. Affected dogs experience decreased physical activity, fainting due to exertion, and laryngeal swelling.


Bronchitis is the most common complication of laryngitis, in which not only the larynx, but also the bronchi are involved in inflammatory reactions. With the downward development of infection, pathogenic agents penetrate the bronchial mucosa, causing acute inflammation. With adequate therapy, the respiratory disease lasts no more than 10-12 days, but if left untreated it can become chronic.

You need to understand that bronchitis can subsequently develop into pneumonia or airway obstruction. With obstructive damage to the ENT organs, due to severe swelling of the mucous membranes, the patency of the airways decreases. This can cause hypoxia and asthma attacks. How does bronchitis manifest?

Classic manifestations of the disease include:

  • dry cough;
  • temperature increase;
  • labored breathing;
  • headache;
  • weakness in the body;
  • increased sweating.

Important! The clinical manifestations of bronchitis and common colds in the initial stages of development are practically no different.

After about 2-3 days, the viscosity of sputum decreases, so the cough becomes productive. If the cause of inflammation of the bronchi is microbes, yellow or green clots may be found in the sputum, which indicates the presence of pus in the ENT organs.

Bronchitis is a serious disease that requires medical treatment. Of course, inflammation in the tracheobronchial tree cannot “dissolve.” If left untreated, it will subsequently lead to the development of pneumonia, cardiopulmonary failure and bronchial stenosis (narrowing).

Signs and symptoms of laryngitis in dogs

Laryngitis is a disease that is characterized by an inflammatory process with a clear localization in the larynx. The mucous tissue of the larynx is directly affected. The process can be either acute (primary) or chronic (secondary). In addition, veterinarians distinguish between croupous and catarrhal forms of laryngitis.

If the problem is not eliminated, a complication arises in the form of inflammation of the trachea itself. Tracheitis and laryngitis will be called laryngotracheitis and will require complex and long-term treatment. Animals are vulnerable to this disease, usually during the cold season.

The cause of the primary form of laryngitis can be sudden hypothermia of the animal, or ingestion of frozen foods. If the place where the dog rests is in a draft, there is also a risk of becoming hostage to the disease. In addition to these factors, the disease can be provoked by:

  • Food too hot.
  • Poor quality drinking water.
  • The presence of construction dust in the inhaled air.
  • Gas pollution.
  • Taking medications containing alcohol.

The secondary form of laryngitis can occur as a direct complication of existing diseases:

When examining a dog, a veterinarian can diagnose laryngitis if, when using a stethoscope, there is:

  • Rheezing in the chest.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Heavy inhalation.

When palpating the neck area, a painful reaction of the animal is possible. The most severe form of laryngitis is considered lobar. It is difficult for animals to tolerate and is characterized by high fever, muscle tremors, heavy breathing, apathy, refusal to eat and drink, and possible cyanosis of the mucous membranes and swelling.


Mediastinitis is a dangerous disease in which inflammation of the anatomical structures in the middle part of the chest cavity is observed, i.e. mediastinum. Life-threatening pathology leads to the formation of scars around the vessels and perforation of the esophagus. The disease can be caused by pyogenic microbes and fungal infections.

Transitioning into a chronic form, laryngitis continues to gradually develop and affect adjacent organs and systems. Delayed diagnosis of mediastinitis very often leads to disability and even death. Symptoms of the disease are:

According to statistics, only 20% of cases of mediastinitis are diagnosed intravitally. A serious illness occurs against the background of respiratory infections, so patients do not rush to see a therapist or ENT doctor. Secondary mediastinitis occurs due to purulent inflammation of the pleura, lungs, larynx, bronchi, etc. The disease progresses very quickly, so strong antibiotics and corticosteroids are used to treat it, which reduce the severity of inflammatory reactions.


If you contact a veterinary clinic in a timely manner, the prognosis for the animal is favorable. At the first signs of laryngitis, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is also necessary to provide the dog with optimal and comfortable conditions at home. Provide a warm, dry place with good ventilation but no draft.

If the weather outside is rainy, damp and cold, you should avoid daily walks for the period of an acute condition. The water in the drinking bowl should be room temperature or slightly warm. The diet needs to be adjusted:

  • Limit intake of solid and spicy foods.
  • The temperature of the food should be warm.
  • Soup and porridge are the diet in the first days of illness.
  • It is acceptable to give your dog chamomile decoction as a natural antiseptic.
  • Be sure to include vitamin intake.

If the disease is severe and there are signs of a bacterial infection, it is permissible for the veterinarian to prescribe antibiotics in combination with antiallergic drugs, which reduce the degree of inflammation and reduce swelling of the laryngeal mucosa. The most common drugs are suprastin, diazolin, fenkarol, tavegil.

Other predisposing factors

Very often, long-suffering breeds with a shortened skull suffer from laryngitis: bulldogs, pugs, mastiffs, etc., etc. It “happened” that way, but when these breeds were bred, they accumulated many problems with the structure of the upper respiratory tract. Bulldogs suffer from pneumonia much more often than other breeds, let alone simple laryngitis.

Important! Don't forget about allergies. In recent years, dog breeders in large cities have noted that cases of allergic causes of many upper respiratory tract diseases are becoming more common.

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