List of potentially dangerous dog breeds according to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2021

The complete list of dangerous dog breeds, approved by the State Duma and the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the new law this year with recommendations from the Union of Public Cynological Organizations - the Russian Cynological Federation, as well as the public organization “Union of Cynological Organizations of Russia” and the adopted negative experience of other countries, contains a total of 12 dangerous breeds dogs and their mixed breeds (According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from July 29, 2021 No. 974)

So, the list of potentially and especially dangerous dog breeds on the territory of the Russian Federation includes:

  • Akbash;
  • American Bandog
  • ambuldog
  • brazilian bulldog
  • Bully Kutta
  • Alapaha purebred bulldog (Otto)
  • bandog
  • wolf-dog hybrids
  • wolfdog, wolf hybrid
  • ghoul dog
  • pitbull mastiff
  • North Caucasian dog
  • mixed breeds of these dogs

It was these breeds of dogs that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which created the draft resolution, considered to be carriers of genetically determined character traits, such as aggression and physical strength, and personifying a potential danger to the life and physical health of people

Among them there are dogs bred for baiting, in which selection for the owner’s feelings was not implied, as a result of which their behavior is not completely predictable

Please note that the original version of the list of dangerous dog breeds included many more species - 69, however, at the end of May 2019, the ministry revised the draft list, reducing it to 13 positions

We will look at the 11 main most dangerous dog breeds

Akbash. Akbash

11th place opens the list of dangerous dog breeds

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Human danger rating: 4/10

WeightMale 64kg, female 48
HeightMale 71-81cm, female 69-76cm
Coat colorWhite
FunctionsUltimate security guard, herding dog, watchman, bodyguard
NutritionLean meat products and cereals, vitamins
Life10-11 years


Akbash, Turkish dog, translated as white head

Monogamous, devoted to the owner, does not touch his children, can offend strangers. They teach from childhood, and educate throughout their lives. Only white, with speckled ears. Neat, almost odorless. The coat can be short or long with a mane on the neck; be sure to comb it. They run fast, run, and jump well. They can lie there for a long time, watching. Do not put on a chain. Smart, ready to act independently. Help in searching for missing persons, serve in the police

In Russia it is on the register of potentially dangerous dogs for people


County ban

The Russian government has approved a list of potentially dangerous dogs

Laws restricting the breeding of dogs of aggressive breeds have been adopted in 52 countries around the world. These laws are different from direct bans on owning, breeding and importing dogs into the country. There is no federal law in the United States prohibiting the breeding of dangerous breeds of dogs, but 37 states have various restrictions. Rules regarding which breeds are considered aggressive and what measures to take against dogs and their owners are imposed by a specific county or city. Responsibility for owners who violate the law also varies. For example, in Miami-Dade County, there is a $500 fine for owning an illegal breed of dog without registration, and the county court will also order the animal to be removed from the county.

Most of the laws relate to the ownership of pit bulls. However, there are legal documents covering other breeds as well. The New York City Housing Authority, which is not a legislative body, prohibits homeowners from keeping pit bull terriers, Cane Corsos, Shar Peis, mastiffs and fighting dogs.

In addition to legislative bodies, there are public organizations in America that advocate for the bans to be expanded. The nonprofit organization provides legal assistance to citizens affected by dog ​​attacks and consistently advocates for a ban on pit bull breeding throughout the United States, mandatory sterilization of aggressive dog breeds, and liability insurance for owners. Among the proposals of social activists there is also a ban on the ownership of fighting dogs for persons serving sentences. This is primarily due to the fact that pit bulls are considered the favorite breed of drug dealers, who are also used for dog fighting.


The inscription on the sign is “Beware of the dog”

Photo: Global Look Press/Liz Gregg

Dog law: why the state does not protect Russians from stray dogs

19 years later, Russia finally adopted a law on the protection of animals, including stray animals. He did not solve old problems and created new ones

NGO founder Colleen Lin decided to fight for stricter laws on the ownership of dangerous breeds of dogs after she was bitten by a pit bull. She spent two days in the hospital, where she underwent surgery to restore the bone. The organization’s website keeps its own statistics, collecting data on attacks from open sources. According to NGOs, over the past 14 years, 471 Americans have died due to dog attacks. Moreover, 76% of them were carried out by dogs of fighting breeds. Most often, people were attacked by pit bulls, Rottweilers and German shepherds. But the top ten breeds prone to attacking people also included huskies and Labradors, which are generally characterized as friendly and sociable dogs.

Against the background of public campaigns calling for a ban on the breeding of pit bulls, another one has appeared in America - in their defense. The American Pit Bull Foundation advocates for raising awareness among owners about how to raise and house dogs properly. According to the association, approximately 3.5 million pit bulls are euthanized in America every year. The organization does not adopt dogs, with rare exceptions: they give away puppies, charging future owners a fee for vaccinations, microchipping and sterilization.

American Bandog. American bandog

10th place in the list of potentially dangerous dogs


American Bandog


Human danger rating: 8/10

BreedAmerican Bandoggy Mastiff
Weight45-68 kg
Height50 cm
Coat colorBlack, dark brown, red
FunctionsUnsurpassed guard, watchman, protector
TemperamentAggressive, confident
NutritionLow-fat meat products and cereals, vitamins
Life10-11 years


American Bandog, was bred as a bodyguard, watchdog, and domestic dog.

Powerful, well-developed muscles, ferocious and aggressive when enraged. Only experienced dog breeders can handle it. We must constantly study and monitor activity. His breed is still being improved by breeders. Excellent health, but short hair, needs to be combed to avoid skin diseases

May be dangerous, on the list of dog breeds especially threatening human life, approved by the Russian government


List of potentially dangerous dogs

Updated July 30, 2021
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 2019 N 974 “On approval of the list of potentially dangerous dogs”

The list includes 12 breeds of dogs, as well as their mestizos, that have genetically determined qualities of aggression and strength, posing a potential danger to the life and health of people.

According to the Federal Law of December 27, 2021 N 498-FZ “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, from January 1, 2021, it is prohibited to walk potentially dangerous dogs without a muzzle and a leash, regardless of the place of walking , with the exception of cases if such dogs are in a fenced area belonging to their owner.

At the same time, a warning sign must be made at the entrance to the territory about the presence of a potentially dangerous dog.

Paragraph 10 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of December 27, 2021 N 498-FZ “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” determines that potentially dangerous dogs are dogs of certain breeds, their hybrids and other dogs, representing a potential danger to human life and health and included in the list of potentially dangerous dogs approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to Part 6 of Article 13 of the said Federal Law N 498-FZ, walking potentially dangerous dogs without a muzzle and a leash, regardless of the place of walking, is prohibited, except in cases where the potentially dangerous dog is located in a fenced area belonging to the owner of the potentially dangerous dog on the right of ownership or other legal basis. A warning sign about the presence of this dog must be made at the entrance to this territory.

In this regard, the proposed list of potentially dangerous dogs is based on proposals received from federal executive authorities, as well as the Russian Canine Federation, taking into account Article 1 of the Model Law on the Treatment of Animals, adopted at the twenty-ninth plenary meeting of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States (Resolution No. 29-17 of October 31, 2007), and its annexes include dog breeds with genetically determined qualities of aggression and strength, as well as breeds used for bullying, and aboriginal breeds in which selection for loyalty to humans was not carried out , and therefore the features of their behavior remain not fully studied by canine science.


dangerous dog breeds

• Akbash • American Bandog • Ambuldog • Brazilian Bulldog • Bully Kutta • Purebred Alapaha Bulldog (otto) • Bandog • Wolf-dog hybrids • Wolfdog, wolf hybrid • Ghoul Dog • Pit Bull Mastiff • North Caucasian dog • Mixed dogs of the specified breeds The owner must remember about that any violation of the law is punishable by a fine. In some cases, the owner faces not only administrative penalties, but also criminal liability.

Previous list: Document file in original

Everyone has already heard about the draft Resolution “On approval of the List of Potentially Dangerous Dogs”. You can read it in detail at the link above; the document itself was published on March 7, 2021 on the Federal Portal of Draft Regulatory Legal Acts.

About the fact that the list of potentially dangerous dogs includes breeds with both an erroneous spelling of the name, for example “Gul Dog”, and with a double spelling - erroneous and correct, for example “Akabash” and “Akbash”, and even non-existent ones (“Dobermann by Vladek Roshina ", "Daufman's Shepherd Dog", "Superdog") - the mistakes made were quite in the spirit of Russian officials.

Let's talk about more pressing issues, namely:

At what age should a “potentially dangerous dog” be muzzled?

Not a word is said about this either in the draft Resolution or in the explanatory note to it.

The puppy has been vaccinated, the quarantine has been completed - you can go for walks with him. Should we put the muzzle on right away? - so that the walk would not seem like “honey”, and the puppy hated walks, because they stuck such a nasty thing on his face.

New dog owners will have a “problem”: the puppy must be accustomed to the street so that he gets used to doing all his business there, and at the same time accustom him to a muzzle, since this will become a mandatory attribute of a walk.

Where can “potentially dangerous dogs” be walked without a muzzle?

Apparently - nowhere. The explanatory note to the draft Resolution states:

...walking potentially dangerous dogs without a muzzle and a leash, regardless of the place of walking, is prohibited, except in cases where the potentially dangerous dog is located in a fenced area owned by the owner of the potentially dangerous dog by right of ownership or other legal basis. A warning sign about the presence of this dog must be made at the entrance to this territory.

If you do not have territory next to your house or in the immediate vicinity of it that belongs to you by right of ownership, you should walk your dog through life in a muzzle and on a leash.

Specialized dog walking areas? - Maybe. But where are they? Do they exist at all, and if so, in what condition? - no sane dog owner will walk his pet on the site if it is located next to a landfill, landfill or some other “attractive” object.

How many dog-walking places should there be in a city of millions?

There are no answers to these questions. But there are a couple of very beautiful proposals:

The implementation of the solutions proposed by the draft resolution will not cause negative socio-economic, financial and other consequences.

...The adoption of the draft resolution will not require additional expenses from the federal budget.

Conclusion: all expenses will fall on the shoulders of dog owners - after all, they will either have to change their place of residence, from the city to the suburbs, or purchase/rent some territory in the city so that their “potentially dangerous” pet can walk there, just walk, and not walk nearby on a leash and muzzle.

Which mestizos/hybrids require a muzzle?

This is perhaps the most difficult question. The draft says briefly:

How is a hybrid different from a mestizo? - by and large, nothing: in both cases, it is an animal obtained from crossing representatives of different breeds.

If the dog is of noble origin, and the owner does not even know what is mixed in its genes? - yes, it’s a shepherd dog, but in what tribe was this very shepherd dog? If the dog's phenotype is shepherd, but its genotype is only 25% shepherd - is it necessary to put a muzzle on it?

“Misunderstandings” with the origin are not so bad. The main problem is how to prove to people who are far from cynology that a “nobleman” can walk without a muzzle, since he is a Malinois mix (this breed, by the way, is not on the list), and not a German shepherd? Will a veterinary passport be enough or will a pedigree be required? - so the “nobles” have no pedigree.

To these three questions - at what age will a dog need to be muzzled? where can they be walked without a muzzle? and which mestizos/hybrids will need a muzzle? - No answer.

American Bulldog. American bulldog

9th place in the list

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American Bulldog


Human danger rating: 6/10

WeightMale: 30–58 kg, female: 27–41 kg
HeightMale: 50–71 cm, female: 50–61 cm
Coat colorWhite, Brindle, Tan, Brown, Red
FunctionsUnsurpassed guard, watchman, defender
TemperamentEnergetic, Confident, Loyal, Aggressive
NutritionMeat, fish, vegetables, herbs and dairy products
Life10-15 years


The Ambuldog has two types: powerful, with a short muzzle, the qualities of a guard are expressed, the other is smaller in size, smaller, with a pursuit instinct. Both types are easy to train, but dominance is developed. Therefore, in childhood, we must try to have more communication and games, with dogs and people. They are friendly and good-natured by nature, but obedience is a must in training. Physical activity is very beneficial

The Ministry of Internal Affairs officially adopted a law on adding this breed of dog to the list of dangerous to people


Brazilian Bulldog. Brazilian Bulldog

8th place in CHART

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Brazilian Bulldog


Human danger rating: 7/10

BreedBulldog Campeiro
Weight35-45 kg
Height48-58 cm
Coat colorWhite, Tan, Brown
FunctionsWatchman, protector
TemperamentEnergetic, Confident, Aggressive
NutritionMeat, fish, vegetables and dairy products
Life10-12 years


The Brazilian bulldog is also called campeiro, which means country bulldog. Initially they were produced as a shepherd, an assistant in the slaughterhouse. He is aggressive, loves to dominate, is prone to obesity, and is difficult to train. But if you take care of him from puppyhood, he will be devoted to his owner. Trained, maybe with children, but you need to keep an eye on him. Since, on the list of dangerous dogs. Any color except marble color. It can grow up to 58 cm, and the weight reaches 45 kg; you cannot overfeed

Physical activity is very important for him. If you decide to get one, keep in mind that the State Duma approved and adopted a law to include this breed of dog in the list of dangerous dogs.

How are things going in Russia?

In Russia, none of the existing breeds are prohibited. However, there is a list of potentially dangerous ones, which was introduced in 2011. These dogs are subject to a number of restrictions. For example, they cannot be walked without a muzzle or let off a leash in public places.

Many citizens want the authorities to increase liability and introduce penalties for the improper keeping of dogs recognized as dangerous. Legislators quickly responded and wrote a draft law “On the Responsible Treatment of Animals.” True, this normative act has not yet passed the second reading, although it was originally planned that it would come into force in July 2017.


So what is meant by the term “potentially dangerous”? It is understood that such dogs will need to be registered in the future. However, not every person will receive the right to keep them or sell and breed them.

A similar practice exists in many countries where they believe that it is inappropriate to ban any breed, but freedom of ownership must be limited.

Today the following are considered dangerous in the Russian Federation:

  • American Pit Bull Terrier;
  • South African Boerboel;
  • Karelian bear dog;
  • Anatolian karabash;
  • Staffordshire Terrier (American);
  • alabaya;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • mixed breeds of all the above breeds.

As practice shows, our citizens mostly ignore the restrictions introduced.

Bully kutta. Bulli kutta

7th place on the menu

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Bully kutta


Human danger rating: 9/10

OriginIndian subcontinent
BreedIndian Mastiff or Pakistani Mastiff
WeightMale: 70–89 kg, female: 60–70 kg
HeightMale: 76-86 cm, female: 75–80 cm
Coat colorBrindle, brown, white, piebald, black
FunctionsDefender, fighter
TemperamentIntelligent, alert, responsive, energetic and aggressive
NutritionMeat, offal, eggs, cottage cheese, fish
Life6-8 years


Bully Kutta, an ancient breed, Pakistani Mastiff, as it is also called

They are aggressive, ferocious, and are used as fighting dogs or watchdogs in their homeland of Pakistan. The breeders worked with them, made them shorter from 90 cm to 75 cm, this gave them tirelessness, swiftness, and agility. Their suit may be different, it is not important, they rely only on endurance, activity, and training. They have fur with undercoat, but it is short. Very difficult to train, not advisable to keep near children

We have them on the list of those that pose a threat to humans


6. Alapaha purebred bulldog (Otto). Alapahskii Thoroughbred Bulldog (Otto)

6th place in the catalog

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Alapaha Bulldog


Human danger rating: 8/10

BreedAlapaha Bulldog
WeightMale: 30–45 kg, female: 25–30 kg
HeightMale: 48-66 cm, female: 48–66 cm
Coat colorBlack, White, Tan, Brindle, Gray
FunctionsDefender, fighter
TemperamentPowerful and aggressive
NutritionMeat, offal, eggs, cottage cheese, fish
Life12-15 years


Alapaha purebred bulldog, Otto, can be very loyal to his owner.

Until six months, you need to take it seriously, then it will be too late. Education for obedience, strictly, but without anger, wrong actions must be stopped. This is a rare breed. Eyes can be blue, yellow, with a smart look. But the eyelids should always be black. Color from black to marble, different shapes and sizes of spots. He cannot stand loneliness, he must know that the owner is nearby. You can’t put him on a chain, your psyche may suffer

If he is well brought up, then you can trust children, but with a check, since he is also on the list of dangerous dog breeds in the Russian Federation, and on the 6th line


As a result, we now have a list of potentially dangerous breeds of 12 points:

  1. Akbash;
  2. American Bandog;
  3. ambuldog;
  4. Brazilian Bulldog;
  5. bulli kutta;
  6. Alapaha purebred bulldog;
  7. bandog;
  8. wolf-dog hybrids;
  9. gul dog;
  10. Pit Bull Mastiff;
  11. North Caucasian dogs;
  12. mestizos and hybrids of these breeds.

“This list is our victory, since it includes breeds that are indigenous and whose population in our country is negligible. And selection for loyalty to humans was simply not carried out. None of the existing and recognized RKF breeds has genetically determined aggression towards humans. Do not confuse this with distrust of a person. This trait is needed especially for service, guard and guard dogs. Aggression towards a person is possible only on command or in a certain situation, that is, this characteristic is determined by the dog’s training. If we talk about the breeds from the list, for example, wolf-dogs, then aggression towards humans for an inexplicable reason is quite possible, since these animals do not have enough generations to correct this trait. Yes, these dogs have some amazing qualities at the genetic level, such as super sense of smell. But in relationships with humans, the “wolf” half predominates.

Bandog. Bandog

5th place in the program

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Human danger rating: 8/10

Weight45-68 kg
Height70 cm
Coat colorBlack, Brindle, Tan
FunctionsDefender, fighter
TemperamentCalm, Balanced, Energetic
NutritionMeat, offal, eggs, cottage cheese, fish
Life12-15 years


Bandog, up to 73 cm at the withers

The blood of three breeds flows in him. But the breeders are still working on him, they want to breed an excellent fighting dog. Starting from the first days, training is mandatory, but he does not tolerate cruelty. Under these conditions, he can be loyal. He can be affectionate even sometimes, only with his owner. With children he puts up with it, but caution is in order. Friendly with pets if he is dominant

Health is excellent, but you need to watch your eyes


Wolfdog. Volkosob

4th place in the list of the most dangerous dog breeds

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Human danger rating: 7/10

Height50-70 cm
Coat colorBlack gray
FunctionsHunter, fighter
TemperamentEnergetic, smart
NutritionMeat, offal, vegetables
Life20 years


A dog plus a wolf, it turns out to be a Wolf Dog

This is an exotic animal with close-fitting, medium-length fur. Long, narrow, wolf-like muzzle, amber eyes. His suit depends on who they matched with. Black color predominates, but there are gray or white-dirty ones among them. It can weigh 50 kg and up to 70 cm at the withers. Likes to dominate, needs an experienced owner, ready for anything. It is dangerous for children. Values ​​freedom, chains spoil character

Included in the list of dogs that pose a threat to humans


You can't even pass through

Cases of animal attacks on people have become more frequent in Russia

Rospotrebnadzor has already recommended that regions work out measures to prevent rabies

In Canada, legislation regarding the breeding and keeping of potentially dangerous dog breeds is even stricter than in the United States. Restrictions are in effect in at least 250 Canadian communities. In 2021, Montreal passed a complete ban on pit bulls. The document was signed after a dog killed a 55-year-old woman. Those who already owned dogs of this breed when the law came into force had to obtain special permission from the authorities and complete the paperwork within six months. In the province of Quebec itself, similar measures have been taken in 90 cities.

Owners who have registered their pets are instructed to always walk with the animal in a muzzle and on a short leash. You can let your dog off the leash only in an area enclosed by a fence higher than 2 m. In Ontario, a total ban on pit bulls has been in effect since 2005. Moreover, it even includes transporting dogs through this province.

The UK authorities distinguish the degree of potential danger of a dog not by breed, but by group. That is, not only dogs of the four specified breeds may be banned, but also those that have similar characteristics.


Photo: TASS/Kirill Kukhmar

Animal psychologist reveals the reason for the potential danger of dogs

Members of the UK Parliament, however, are not so unanimous about the law on dangerous dogs, adopted back in 1991. According to the chairman of the government committee on ecology, food industry and agriculture, Neil Parish, the adopted law leads to the killing of hundreds of dogs that do not pose a threat to humans, while the problem of attacks in general is not solved. According to data cited by the MP, the number of incidents involving dogs has increased by 81% since 2005.

“Existing laws and breed bans have not stopped the rising tide of injuries and deaths from dog attacks. Children and adults suffer horrific injuries, many of which are preventable. This is unacceptable,” Parish told The Independent. “The public must be protected and we are therefore calling for a full-scale review of existing dog control strategies.”

By law, shelters are not allowed to keep dogs on the prohibited list. If such a dog gets lost and the owner cannot be found, it will be forced to be euthanized, regardless of whether it shows aggression or not.

Deadly Grin

How to avoid becoming a victim of a rabid animal and not dying from a bite

You can only obtain permission to own a dog from the list of potentially dangerous breeds with the permission of the court. In public places, the dog must always be muzzled and on a leash. The owner is required to register the animal and pay insurance premiums, as well as get the pet tattooed, microchipped and sterilized. For breeds such as the Japanese Akita Inu, stricter walking and registration rules apply. Despite their photogenic, cute appearance, these dogs have a peculiar temperament and reaction to aggression, which cannot be controlled without proper training. By the way, the breeding of dogs like those in the film “Hachiko” is strictly limited in four other countries around the world. Over the past year, at least seven cases of attacks by these dogs on people have been recorded.

Gul dog. Ghoul dog

Everything is immediately clear from the photo

3rd place

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Gul dog


Human danger rating: 7/10

BreedGul dog
WeightMale: 25-39 kg, female: 20-29 kg
HeightMale: 45-56 cm, female: 46-56 cm
Coat colorWhite, white with occasional black spots, black, gray
FunctionsHunter, fighter
TemperamentEnergetic, aggressive
NutritionMeat, offal, vegetables
Life10–14 years


The Gul Dok appeared in Pakistan through crossbreeding for underground dog fighting, as well as for bear and wolf hunting. For these purposes, in India and Pakistan, they are engaged in his divorce. It is powerful, the jaw clenching is strong. Does not completely obey the owner and may attack him. At the withers from 45 to 56 cm, weight from 25 to 39 kg, smaller knots. The coat is short, straight

Basically, he is always aggressive and angry. Included in the catalog of dogs that threaten human life


Dracula. Dracula

2nd place in the list of the most dangerous

"Love is immortal"



Human danger rating: 8/10

OriginGreat Britain
WeightMale: 49-59 kg, female: 42-49 kg
HeightMale: 63-75 cm, female: 61-66 cm
Coat colorBrindle, Tan, Red
TemperamentObedient, Loyal, Reliable
NutritionMeat, offal, vegetables
Life8-10 years


The Pitbull Mastiff is a half-breed created from three breeds by an American breeder at the end of the last century.

Huge, vicious, but when trained, loyal to its owner. He is large, from 38 to 65 kilograms, 63-73 cm at the withers. It comes in brown, white and black colors, without spots. He may snap at children, it is better not to let him near them. It is not safe for people, it is even included in dogs, which pose a threat to humans. Physical activity is in his blood, he needs to walk very often, at least 2-3 times a day

Walk in privacy, always wearing a muzzle and collar


How the walking rules have changed

Owners of dangerous breeds will have to increase their responsibility for keeping and walking their pets. But no strict prohibitions or significant changes are implied, in contrast to the rather strict laws on the same topic that are in force in many other countries.

What owners should consider

From January 2021, when the regulatory amendment comes into force, it will be possible to take a dog of any of the listed breeds for a walk only on a leash and wearing a muzzle. The ammunition must be reliable and durable so as not to break in an extreme situation. This simple measure involves reducing the number of conflicts and injuries to both people and dogs, which often occurs during walking.

Only with a muzzle and a leash - otherwise you cannot leave the house with a dog on the list

Without protective equipment, a dog can only be behind a high fence on the private property of its owner, and there must be a clearly visible sign on the gate or gate warning that there is a dangerous dog on the territory.

North Caucasian dogs. Northern Caucasian dogs

Winner of the list of the most dangerous dog breeds

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North Caucasian dogs


Human danger rating: 8/10

BreedCaucasian Shepherd Dog
WeightMale: min. 50 kg, female: min. 45 kg
HeightMale: 63-68 cm, female: min. 64 cm
Coat colorBlack, White, Tan, Cream, Rusty, Gray
TemperamentAlert, Strong, Dominant, Fast
NutritionMeat, offal, vegetables
Life10–12 years


The North Caucasian Shepherd breed is more than 2000 years old

When selected in the USSR, they brought fearlessness, endurance, and physical strength. This is the best guard animal, angry and distrustful of strangers. The coat is thick and waterproof; rain and frost are not a problem. Sheep protection is her main mission. In Russia, it is included in the list of dogs that pose a threat to human life

It is forbidden to walk without a leash and muzzle

The legislative framework

The full list of dangerous dog breeds in Russia is approved by the State Duma and the Ministry of Internal Affairs according to a new legal act this year. When compiling lists and legislative acts, much attention was paid to studying the negative experience of European and American states; as a result, 12 dangerous dog breeds were identified.

The Russian government has approved a list of potentially dangerous dog breeds, simultaneously enshrining this fact in the Resolution of July 29, 2019 (No. 974). Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree that does not allow dogs to be walked without a leash and muzzle.

Free walking is allowed only if pets are on the territory that belongs to their owner.

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